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Holstee: A Call To Action

Holstee: A Call To Action

"This is your life. 

Do what you love and do it often."

On this Saturday morning, as I sit here and and sip espresso from my Snow Peak titanium camping mug, The Holstee Manifesto has snuck into my mind once again, and intertwined itself in my thoughts...consuming my brain. And, I think to myself, 'what a lovely thought to consume my brain.' So I watched the Holstee Lifecycle video again. And then I read the words on the poster. Again.

I am sure you all have come across this manifesto at one point or another, but in case you have not, this is what the manifesto that became a movement is all about:

"The Holstee Manifesto is a call to action to live a life full of intention, creativity, passion, and community. 

The LifeCycle Film came about as a desire to bring the energy and passion behind the Manifesto to life through something we love--biking. As we seek to live mindful lifestyles that leave a positive impact on the people and world around us, biking has become a passion that is much more than a transportation alternative. It is a way of fully experiencing the city we love and all of its details.
This Film is a celebration. It is a celebration of gatherings, of diversity, of life, and of the beauty of shared experience. We hope you enjoy."
We needed this reminder this morning. It's so easy to get caught up in the small stuff in life, and this was a perfect reminder not to sweat the small stuff. Owning a small start-up is not easy. But it's so rewarding to know that we're working to create something from nothing...and the reason we're doing it is for good. For something so much bigger than us. It's all about shining a light on what artisans around the world are creating. We are working to celebrate and promote world culture in everything that we do. It's what drives us. And as we re-watch the manifesto, which is really a very powerful storytelling tool, we get excited about the future and everything it will bring...because we know that we're making an effort to live a life full of intention, creativity, passion and community in everything that we do.
I have a tattoo on my wrist that says, 'move slowly''s a reminder to live life with intention. To reflect and to take time to take it all in. To make meaningful connections. Nurture relationships. To (hopefully) leave this world a better place. Ironic, as the message I glean from this video/this manifesto very closely reflects the meaning behind the message on my wrist: travel often, getting lost will help you find yourself. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Because you can. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them. So go out and start creating. Life is short. Live your dream and share your passion. Yes! How cool is this?! It gets me so jazzed! 
Love these shots of the Holstee Manifesto in action...
This leaves us with the following question for our Tribe: What, from Holstee's message, speaks to you...and will you make an effort to live your life with intention?
Life is short. Live your dream and share your passion. 
Tribe Scribe 
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