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We're Curious, What's in Your Backpack?

We're Curious, What's in Your Backpack?

The Ethnotek Crew are a bunch of curious folks.  We can't help ourselves.  When we see people carrying a pack, we want to know what's in there (and most of us are really not shy, so if we run into you, we'll probably ask you).  We are especially curious when we see backpackers.  Being on an extended travel means having to carry your whole life on your back.  And so, that begs the question, what are those can't-live-without-it items that make their way into travelers packs?    

Thank goodness for the awesome folks at Matador Network.  Beyond constantly feeding our wanderlust with beautiful photos and stories of globetrotting, they have are equally as curious (it's really not creepy, we promise) about looking into traveler's bags.  In their "What's in Your Backpack?" series of 27 blog entries, they indulge our voyeuristic fascination and give us a peek into the packs of travel-aholics.

While most have the requisite DSLR, comfy shoes, and vitamins, these posts give a little more insight into the lesser thought of, but equally as important items (think chicken bullion cubes and Crayola markers ).  Read and learn from the experts.

Check out all 27 Blog Entries here

Here are a few of my favorites:

From An Army Survival Handbook to Zip ties, Tom Gates, Matador Editor brings along the practical necessities as he takes a lap around the globe.  Check out the full post on Tom here.

Indie Rocker Maria Taylor knows that sometimes on the road you just need a bottle of Sonoma Valley Cabernet, but you also can't forget the corkscrew and the Relpax headache medicine for the morning after.  What else does she bring in her pack when she goes on tour?  Check it out here

Journeywoman, Evelyn Hannon has been circling the globe for 20 years now.  She knows what's up.  Evelyn make everything in her pack multipurpose.  A vitamin C bottle becomes a piggy bank.  Electrical tape works to hem your pants or keep your pack secure. Read here from the master and learn. 

(If you, too, are curious, my overseas travel pack always includes: a sleeping bag liner (two words. bed. bugs.), a good set of headphones attached to an iPhone filled with Beatles and This American Life podcasts, a Moleskine notebook + a really good pen, Tums (I love street food, but not it's partner in crime: intestinal distress), and a ukulele.)

A little peek is nice, but, we're still curious.  What things, wacky and wonderful, are you carrying around in your Ethnotek packs?  Share with us on Facebook and add a photo.  We know you've got some good stuff in there, those Raja Packs sure can hold a lot...

Don't have a Raja pack to backpack the globe in yet?  Would you like a free one? Enter to win one of three free Raja packs we are giving away during our Share & Win Contest.  All you have to do is 'like' Ethnotek Bags on Facebook and share us with your friends.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

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